Monday, February 9, 2009

What I liked or didn't like about our rehearsal

Our rehearsal was about the worst dress run I've done in many a year. Nothing that we'd set up would open, and the objects on the smart board wouldn't move was hopeless. I know that I can improvise when something doesn't work, but I find it tricky to improv. when everything doesn't work. I was certainly disappointed with the event.

In good news however, my partner and I were able to rethink the entire project, simplifying, and planning for things that might go wrong again. We revamped and rewrote, and redid most of our planning and our slides to ensure that everything runs smoothly this time.

Although I'm not lacking confidence and I'm worried that things won't work no matter how hard we've practiced them, I am sure that the project we've thought up is a good one and would work in a grade two classroom.

Prayers are in that the next one runs better. Having a theater background gives me a little hope though, in that if you have a rough dress rehearsal you often have a stellar, let's hope for the best!