Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Entry #3

Well this week was even more fun than last week, I'm enjoying teaching, I'm enjoying the children, and I'm feeling more and more ready for this job...but I love kindergarten so much, and was not as excited about the other grades, so I'm still debating.

As far as the classroom goes though, I'm loving all of the stuents in the classroom. The parents are very much involved, we often have two in a half day which is wonderful. We put them to work and have them working with the kids as well. I feel like the interaction between my cooperating teacher and myself is better than I could have asked for, and it's wonderful.

As far as my plan for the understanding of the student in question who has trouble with behaviours due to autism. I di ask the student how he feels about school. The answer was unfortunate. He does not like school. He does not like teachers, and he does not enjoy the other children. I was saddened by this, so I asked him what might make school better and he didn't have any answers. I am excited to progress to next week and learn more about this disorder.

That's all for this week.

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