Saturday, November 15, 2008

Entry #4

Well, It has sure been fun attempting to write my blog up in the few short hours that I have at home. I do not get much Internet access while in this small town, my home computer does not have it, and the school has not actually given me an access code, so I have to work on things over my teacher's personal file. So, I have been keeping my journal on paper, and I will write it out for my adoring public today.

This week, as with most, has been wonderful. I am having so much fun, learning a great deal, and feeling very much in control of my life. It is awesome. In our classroom, we do not have much technology at all. In fact, we only use the photocopier, and a listening center for technology. Granted, I feel that despite their youth, these wee ones can learn the computer and should have at least a little exposure to it, though, many of them do have access to computers at home. Our school is planning to build a new building in the next two years in which each classroom will have a smart board, and I'm guessing that kindergarten will incorporate the new technology with great enthusiasm.

As far as my research on our special needs boy is taking me, It seems that there is a very nice program specially for Autistic children roughly a half hour away, and a mere ten minute drive would lead to a school that has a division program, which I do not always condone, however, for this little guy, he needs some one on one help. Both of these schools should be options, and would be within his district, however, without parental consent, no plans for change can be made.

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