Sunday, November 16, 2008

Entry #6

This week was nice and short, which would have been a treat had I not become deathly ill with fever. It's such a shame to lose time off. However, I was able to get to a remembrance day ceremony in my community which I was grateful for. I take the day quite seriously.
With this day off, we ended up also have a short teaching week. Things went very well. I worked on patterns with my students, and was surprised to find that the class who we felt might take longer to grasp the concept, had it almost instantly, whereas the class who is academic and often quick with concepts, is still having trouble and I need to teach yet another lesson to reinforce the concept. It just goes to show you that you never really know what children can do until you let them try. I loved it!

We also wrote report cards this week. My cooperating teacher is such a treasure. She allowed me to write some comments, and we talked through all of the marks together. I really felt like my input was heard. We finished them off on Friday evening, and then went for a late night bite to eat. I am enjoying this practicum teacher altogether too much. In two weeks, I'll say goodbye and I won't know what to do with myself! ha ha.

In other news, Our school has decided to offer the mother of our student with Autism an ultimatum. She may come in and sit with him in school and see how he behaves, or else, he will be sent home after a three strike process. So, mom decided to come in. I find it very interesting to watch her with him. I've attempted to make some connections with her and build a bit of a relationship. One day this week we actually had a very nice conversation about things not related to her son. I am beginning to understand though that she does not want to move him because she trusts the people at our school, which is very nice, however, this little boy is not happy here, and I cannot understand how she doesn't want to see him happy. But, she seemed very pleasant overall, so, I cannot judge and will simply sit back and say, I do not understand, but so be it.

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